Merry Christmas everyone! The sun may be shining and Easter Sunday is right round the corner but that’s no reason not to be looking forward as always to our favourite time of the year – yes, it’s time to talk Christmas 2023. We want you to be prepared to make this the best Christmas ever, with a membership to our very own Christmas Savings Club – a simple way to spread the costs of Christmas. Read on to find out more about this helpful scheme!

About the Christmas Savings Club

Christmas savings

When it comes to saving up for those Christmas delights that make the season feel so special, our savings scheme couldn’t be more simple! First off, you’ll need to register as a member by popping into our store for a chat and asking about the savings club; one of our elves will happily assist you in opening an account with no fuss necessary. All we need are your contact details and signature on the scheme’s T&C’s and you’re ready to start saving – open your account by depositing however much you’d like to save and start building your bank which can be cashed out in store to purchase any items. Just remember to bring your membership card any time you want to use it to keep the Christmas Savings process smooth and hassle-free. And as an added bonus, any new members in the month of April 2023 will receive £5 store credit!

Why should you join our Christmas Savings Club?

It’s no secret that the most wonderful time of the year can also be pretty stressful; physically, emotionally and certainly financially. In fact, a YouGov investigation found the average Brit preparing to spend £642 on Christmas 2022 – a whopping figure if spent over the few short months at the end of the year! We know how hard it can be to balance financial constraints with the magical Christmas you want, but spreading the costs of Christmas throughout the year can help make things a little easier come December by taking advantage of sales throughout the year and decorating your home with our Savings Club. Reduce the stress of December and make sure that you can enjoy the season, knowing that it’s already all taken care of.

To start your Christmas shopping now, be sure to check out our website for new and interesting decorations and more: Purveyors of all things Christmas (


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