The Best Colours To Pair With Blue Baubles This Christmas

Merry Christmas one and all, from The Olde Christmas Shoppe!

The merriest of all seasons is fast approaching us, and we want to make sure that this Christmas is the biggest and best yet by providing you with all of the inspiration and top tips you need to transform your home into a winter wonderland. Perhaps you’re looking for a new blue colour scheme for your Christmas tree, or even just to update your current collection of Christmas goodies – we’re here to help!

There are so many shades of beautiful blue baubles, from bright and colourful to muted and icy, but it can be rather tricky to build up your Christmas tree around just one colour. To help bring a little variety to your branches, here are some of our top tips for pairing different colours of baubles – and don’t forget to check out our list of The 6 Best Blue Baubles For Your Christmas Tree in 2022 for further inspiration!

Blue & Silver

A classic Christmas colour combination, blue and silver work really well together on a Christmas tree as they are both quite cold and icy complimentary colours. Try pairing silver tinsel and decorations with deep midnight blue tones or metallic teal – if the effect is a touch too icy for your liking, warm up your festive look by adding slight touches of sparkly gold and bronze!

Blue & Bronze

As mentioned above, adding a touch of bronze to your blue Christmas tree is a perfect way to lend this cold colour a little bit of warmth while still keeping a classy and elegant feel. Top Tip – bronze in all of its forms – matte and glittery – pairs extremely well with darker tones of blue as well as vibrant turquoises!

Blue & Green

A match made in heaven, there are many shades of blues and greens which look absolutely gorgeous on a Christmas tree! Both are classed as cold colours, but if you vary the shades (bright blue, teal, emerald green, sage…) then you can create a beautiful display to suit any theme, whether you are inspired by the natural tones of water and earth or are leaning towards an even more fun and unique nautical theme.

Blue & Purple

Adding any tone of purple is a fun and colourful way to break up the sea of blue baubles on your branches this year. We especially would recommend a combination of deep plum tones with light lilac, to add even more dimensions to your tree without overwhelming and taking away from the overall blue theme – don’t they just look so pretty next to each other, together at last?

For more festive fun facts and inspiration for your tree this year, check out some of our other blogs below and join us in getting excited for Christmas 2023!


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